Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What aspect of the Web program are you most looking forward to? What aspect are you not looking forward to?

The Web maybe likes a face to face the open world and catch the attentions of the world. The face must be look like a face with 2 eyes, one nose, one mouth, otherwise alien face like one eye two mouths will frighten the World. Web design and development has to be handled by lots of cool stuff, like graphic, video, animation, database, linkage etc. What I expect this program is that I can handle all the necessary skills and techniques to create a common face not alien face.
A vivid face has affections with happy, smile, laugh, angry, etc. The web should give out this feeling and affect the world. What I expect is that the program could handle the dynamic face not stable face or one template that every one could follows. I do not expect the face to be beauty's face which just be attracted by its face not its content, I would like to build a face like grandpa or grandma's face that make the world to keep contacting and learning their story for ever.

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