Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pure flash web design

Using flash to design web page is more straight forward, there is less trouble in layout than html/css. The big struggle is to handle adobe flash software. It seems a lot of bugs in the adobe software. For example, when saving files is conducted, sometimes the software corrupts without any warning and the works is gone. The other thing is that the relationship among each frame is not clear for action-script. For instance, an object exists in a frame and when jump to other frame in the timeline where the object is not there that is what we want, but the codes still look for this object and give out errors.

Anyway adobe software is great, the more practice the more get used to it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dreamwever websit design

At first glance Dreamweaver is a great tool for web design. With dreamweaver, it so easy to create templates, library, apply css rules, and seems to create a web in a short time without knowing html, css. But dreamweaver is not perfect, if the designed do not follow some restrict process, the designer easily get lost in control of the designed page, and it is very painful to find where it goes wrong. The best solution to figure out what is wrong caused by dreamweaver is to look into the codes which seem in a poor organization by dreamwever. Therefore to figure out the problem, it needs two steps, first reorganize codes; second, correct the codes.

In all, Dreamweaver is great tool, but to create a good web site, it still needs coding

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I just finished database learning. From this program, I fully understand the database structure, table relationship, normalization, queries. all this knowledge is based for real world database. This is good start point ,because for me before this program I have not idea what it is,I believe later from this knowledge I can further study by myself to get more close to the real world.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What similarities/differences did you find between this design and the design process you underwent for the Customer Service project?

I have just finished C# course and a project for calculator. In order to finish the design project, it needs to plan very well, set up technique requirement document and dead time. Just like customer service course we need to undersatnd client's requirement and set up dead time. In the design process there is nothing to do with money. while in customer service the one of main issue is about money. To finish design project, the requirement document focus on every detail: like how to operate properly, how to handle user improper operation. In all, the the document set up the design target and target scope.
For anykind of language, if we understand the requirment, and break down the problem into relatively small independ pieces, and follow the programming good practise, the taget can be reached whinin resonable time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 portfolios I found through internet

This portfolio background is good, it like certificate paper and give some hint that the designer may be professional. the web page is clean.

This portfolio is neat and it is easy to find to where the mouse to be clicked to get link

this one is awesome, the pictures comparison give you the strong idea what the portfolio is for. internet lover may interest in the content to find what and how. very rice commercial.

The background is very nice and bright, look a little traditional web pages, but it is clean and know what it means

this portfolio is simple, the background is good, it maybe give the clue that the web designer may do art design job


Friday, February 11, 2011

Which piece of software that we have covered thus far have you found the most useful?

So far we have touched the software like Photoshop, After effects and Premiere Pro.These softwares all  are related to graphics and video. They are very useful. Photoshop is wonderful for still graphics design. and the best tool for introduction to other adobe software regarding to adobe' s graphic or video design software. After effects is used for animation and video design, it can easily add effects to make amazing effects. it is useful to make home  and web videos. While Premiere Pro can be used to make film with more great power to handle videos, as for animation it is better to use other animation software like after effects.
These software can be compatible with each other. After effects and Premiere Pro can import other files as its own working footage, both software can use photoshop psd files as their footage. Therefor we can cooperate  with each software and  take their advantage to make a great movies and animation.
As for web designer, I think photoshop is the most useful software. Because Photoshop can generate very awesome stuff to catch internet browser lover's eyes and can do some preparation job for animation and video.         

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What did your designer do that you felt was excellent?

This week I learn the cource about customer service. In class practice I played the role of client and my classmate Andy played a role of Designer.At first I gave Andy a fuzzy idea about a logo for a company . He give me some examples and I choses one that looks more attractived, the patten look connection very well, each part look simple and easy to be remembered . The design patten has a picture of splitwasher with BW color, and 4 blocks of capital character with blue and background with yellow color. underneath is the company name with black color. it looks a little  color mess.After meeting, he change the background color of the letter to ligh grey color, and remain blue color for letter. as a result the whole logo look excellent.