Friday, February 11, 2011

Which piece of software that we have covered thus far have you found the most useful?

So far we have touched the software like Photoshop, After effects and Premiere Pro.These softwares all  are related to graphics and video. They are very useful. Photoshop is wonderful for still graphics design. and the best tool for introduction to other adobe software regarding to adobe' s graphic or video design software. After effects is used for animation and video design, it can easily add effects to make amazing effects. it is useful to make home  and web videos. While Premiere Pro can be used to make film with more great power to handle videos, as for animation it is better to use other animation software like after effects.
These software can be compatible with each other. After effects and Premiere Pro can import other files as its own working footage, both software can use photoshop psd files as their footage. Therefor we can cooperate  with each software and  take their advantage to make a great movies and animation.
As for web designer, I think photoshop is the most useful software. Because Photoshop can generate very awesome stuff to catch internet browser lover's eyes and can do some preparation job for animation and video.         

1 comment:

  1. I can see why Adobe has the Creative Suite, depends on the outcome you are trying to achieve.
